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Updating Firmware

What is firmware

Firmware is a low-level software that controls how a hardware device should work. To ensure your device is running smoothly, it's important to update its firmware with bug fixes and new features provided by the manufacturer.

On Windows, you would typically use software from the manufacturer to update your device firmware. However, on Linux, there's a tool called fwupd that can update firmware for devices that are supported by the vendor. You can find the list of supported devices and user documentation on the project's website.

To install fwupd on your system, you can use the following commands:

pamac install fwupd

pamac install fwupd-efi

fwupdmgr --help

Note that Pamac does not support firmware updates. However, you can install gnome-firmware, which provides a graphical user interface for updating firmware. This tool comes pre-installed on our Gnome edition.

To install gnome firmware on your system, you can use the following commands:

pamac install gnome-firmware


Keep in mind that firmware updates are irreversible, and you should always make sure that the update is compatible with your device before proceeding.